Pronunciation course

G pronounced as /j/

G pronounced as /j/ For example: Gi (give) Geilo Gifte (to marry) Geit (goat) Gyldig (valid) Some exceptions that do not follow this rule include loan words from other languages. In these words, we pronounce letter G as /g/. For example: gir (gear), gymnas (high school), gitar (guitar), gynekolog (gynecologist). When letter G written  inside …

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G pronounced as /ʃ/

Letter G can be also pronounced as /ʃ/. It happens in some words of foreign origin, for example: Beige (beige) Geni (genious) Genre (genre) Generell (general) Ingeniør (engineer) Arrangement (event)

G pronounced as /ŋ/

G is pronounced as /ŋ/ in a letter combination -ng: Remember that /ŋ/ is a nasal sound and it is made in the same position as /k/ and /g/, so the tongue is raised at the back, touching the soft palate and the noise is released through the nose as you try to pronounce /ŋ/. Please …

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Silent E or E pronounced as /ə/

When e is in an unstressed syllable between -t, -d, -n, -r, -s and -n or -l (-den, -ten, -ner, -sen, -del), it disappears or is pronounced as a neutral sound /ə/. Note how we pronounce the final E in these words: Atten (eighteen) Vinden (wind) Aften (evening) Kelner (waiter) Hjelpemiddel (aid) Hilsen (greeting). Quizzes …

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