Use of verb
A verb is a part of speech that tells us what a person or a thing does. Verbs focus on the actions. Some examples of verbs in English are come, study, see, go, etc.
There were two verbs used in this lesson: å være – to be; å hete – to be called. This is a neutral form of a verb, also called an infinitive. This is the form of a verb we find in dictionaries. Particle “å” before verbs, corresponds to the English “to”.
The general rule is that you need to add an ending -r when you use verbs in the present. For example:
å hete – to be called
Jeg heter Adrian. – My name is Adrian (I am called Adrian).
Fill in with the correct form of the verbs:
The verb “to be”
The verb that you will use most in the Norwegian language is the verb “å være” – to be. Unlike in English, where we have to change the verb in different persons (I am, you are, she is), in Norwegian we use the same form in all persons:
Jeg er | I am |
Du er | You are |
Han er | He is |
Hun er | She is |
Vi er | We are |
Dere er | You are (plural) |
De er | They are |
This verb remains the same if we mention people, things or ideas:
Mark er fra England. – Mark is from England.
Pablo og Maria er fra Spania. – Pablo and Maria are from Spain.
Oslo er i Norge. – Oslo is in Norway.